Governance Projects
In 2020, CANADEM worked with various Canadian embassies assisting with programming that supported good governance, human rights and gender equality. With funding from Global Affairs Canada, CANADEM recruited, briefed, deployed and supported five experts:
CANADEM facilitated the 3.5-month deployment of a Canadian technical expert to support the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), in collaboration with UN Women and the Canadian Embassy, to develop training for civil society organizations on political and electoral rights and the participation and empowerment of women in the electoral process as voters and candidates.

A Canadian humanitarian expert was deployed to Zambia for a 1.5-month project to support the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, in partnership with the University of Zambia, to understand and educate on how the pactice of social work can be relied upon to prevent and address child marriage in Zambia.
Two Canadian experts provided remote support for 5 weeks to the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) of South Sudan. These technical experts assisted the Secretariat of the NCAC to review and amend petroleum legislation, as well as improve petroleum management to benefit the people of South Sudan, in line with fiscal accountability principles, human rights and gender equality.

CANADEM implemented a 4-month project to develop a training manual for the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) and the Office of the Attorney General of Afghanistan on investigating and building cases on international crimes. The Expert provided training sessions to AIHRC’s staff using an online platform.