Observation électorale aujourd'hui
Grâce à l’appui généreux d’Affaires mondiales Canada, à partir de 2022 et durant les deux prochaines années, CANADEM va déployer des observateurs à court terme (OCT) et des observateurs à long terme (OLT) avec des missions d’observation électorale multilatérales organisées par des agences partenaires telles que l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE), l’Union européenne (UE), l’Organisation des États américains (OÉA) et d’autres.
Appui à la démocratie
La démocratie rencontre des défis à travers le monde depuis la dernière décennie, avec la résurgence du populisme et la croissance en popularité des dirigeants ayant des tendances autoritaires.
La communauté internationale a un rôle important à jouer dans l’appui de processus électoraux transparents, égaux et honnêtes à travers le monde, dans lesquels tous les citoyens peuvent choisir leurs gouvernements librement, quels que soient leur ethnicité, leur genre, leur orientation sexuelle et leur affiliation politique.
Les missions internationales d’observation électorale sont reconnues comme un aspect important du processus de création de systèmes politiques ouverts et redevables. Elles contribuent en observant, en rendant compte et en développant des recommandations sur tous les aspects des processus électoraux, y compris la participation et les droits des minorités, des peuples et des femmes autochtones ; la désinformation et la cyber sécurité ; la fraude électorale et la justice électorale ; le rôle de la société civile et des médias (traditionnels et en ligne) ; ainsi que la violence électorale et la répression de l’expression démocratique par les autorités.
Les missions d’observation électorale contribuent également aux efforts du Canada pour renforcer la capacité des institutions multilatérales à évaluer les élections par rapport aux engagements nationaux et internationaux et à augmenter la sensibilisation et l’engagement des Canadiens dans ces efforts. Le déploiement d’experts qualifiés et expérimentés dans des missions d’observation électorale internationales augmente grandement la crédibilité de ces missions et des élections, ainsi que l’efficacité de l’appui apporté.
Comment les Canadiens observent-ils les élections ?
L’observation électorale internationale est menée par un éventail d’organisations multilatérales. Le Canada est membre de plusieurs d’entre elles, par exemple l’ONU, l’OÉA, l’OSCE, le Commonwealth et l’OIF ; et en appuie d’autres comme l’UA, l’UE, etc. Ces organisations dépendent de leurs États membres pour mobiliser leurs citoyens à agir de façon impartiale et professionnelle en tant qu’observateurs internationaux dédiés aux objectifs de la promotion de la démocratie. La pandémie de la COVID-19 a créé des défis additionnels et une pénurie d’observateurs électoraux internationaux en raison du risque d’infection et des restrictions de voyage. Alors que certains de ces défis commencent à diminuer et que les Canadiens sont de plus en plus vaccinés, le Canada est bien placé pour répondre à la demande immédiate et fournir des observateurs qualifiés et dévoués aux missions d’observation électorale à travers le monde.
Pour plus d’informations sur les façons de participer, veuillez visiter la foire aux questions.
Historique des activités électorales de CANADEM
De 2002 à 2013, CANADEM a travaillé avec le Gouvernement du Canada pour envoyer des observateurs dans divers processus électoraux à travers le monde. Durant la dernière décennie, nous avons organisé un nombre de missions d’observation électorale en Ukraine. Les observateurs à court et long terme déployés par CANADEM ont joué un rôle crucial dans le renforcement du processus démocratique mondialement. Les observateurs électoraux canadiens ont participé à des missions d’observation aux niveaux présidentiel, parlementaire et municipal. Entre 2002 et 2020, 3 339 observateurs électoraux canadiens ont été recrutés et déployés par CANADEM dans 154 missions multilatérales et bilatérales.
CANADEM a été impliqué dans l’observation électorale avec les partenaires suivant :
Affaires mondiales Canada
Bureau pour les institutions démocratiques et les droits de la personne (ODIHR) de l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE)
Organisation des États américains (OÉA)
Union européenne (UE)
Centre Carter
Secrétariat du Commonwealth
Bosnia and Herzegovina General Election
CANADEM deployed fourteen STOs and two LTOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Bosnia and Herzegovina General Election on October 2nd, 2022. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results. The LTOs observed the political environment before the STOs arrived, then coordinated a team of STOs in their assigned region.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Bulgaria Early Parliamentary Elections
CANADEM deployed twenty-five STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Bulgarian early Parliamentary Elections on October 2nd, 2022. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Kazakhstan Early Presidential Election
CANADEM deployed fifteen STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Kazakhstan Early Presidential Election on November 20th, 2022. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Montenegro Presidential Election
CANADEM deployed four STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Montenegro Presidential Election on March 19th, 2022. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
Kazakhstan Parliamentary Elections
CANADEM deployed nineteen STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Kazakhstan Parliamentary Elections on March 19th, 2023. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Bulgaria Parliamentary Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed ten STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Bulgarian Parliamentary Elections on April 2nd, 2023. This election followed the Parliamentary election in 2022 as no government was approved. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Albania Local Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed one LTO and five STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Albanian Local Elections on May 14th, 2023. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results. The LTOs observed the political environment before the STOs arrived, then coordinated a team of STOs in their assigned region.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Montenegro Early Parliamentary Election (2023)
CANADEM deployed three STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Montenegro Early Parliamentary Elections on June 11th, 2023. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Uzbekistan Early Presidential Election (2023)
CANADEM deployed two STOs to the OSCE ODIHR mission to observe the Uzbekistan Early Presidential Election on July 9th, 2023. The STOs participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the OSCE's Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, please click here.
Guatemala General Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed two STOs and one LTO to the EU mission and six STOs to observe the Guatemala General Elections on June 25th, 2023 with a second round on August 20th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the EU's Preliminary Statement please click here, and for the report on the second round please click here.
To read the OAS's Preliminary Report please click here.
Paraguay General Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed two STOs and one LTO to the EU mission to observe the Paraguay General Elections on April 30th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the EU's Preliminary Statement please click here.
Sierra Leone General Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed two STOs and one LTO to the EU mission to observe the Sierra Leone General Elections on June 24th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the EU's Preliminary Statement please click here.
Zimbabwe General Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed two STOs and one LTO to the EU mission to observe the Zimbabwe General Elections on August 23rd, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the statement by the High Representative on the election please click here.
Liberia General Elections (2023)
CANADEM will deploy one STO and one LTO to the EU mission to observe the Liberia General Elections on October 10th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
Ecuador General Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed five STOs to the OAS mission to observe the Ecuador General Elections on August 20th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Preliminary Statement of Findings please click here.
Poland Parliamentary Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed three LTOs to the OSCE mission to observe the Poland Parliamentary Elections on October 15th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Preliminary Statement of Findings please click here.
Moldova Local Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed two LTOs to the OSCE mission to observe the Moldova Local Elections on November 5th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Preliminary Statement of Findings please click here.
Serbia Parliamentary Elections (2023)
CANADEM deployed ten STOs to the OSCE mission to observe the Serbia Parliamentary Elections on December 17th, 2023. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Final Report please click here.
Senegal Presidential Election (2024)
CANADEM deployed one STO and one LTO to the EU mission to observe the Senegal Presidential Election on March 24th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
Azerbaijan Presidential Election (2024)
CANADEM deployed five STOs to the OSCE mission to observe the Azerbaijan Presidential Election on February 7th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Final Report please click here.
El Salvador General Election (2024)
CANADEM deployed five STOs to the OAS mission to observe the El Salvador General Election on February 4th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Preliminary Report please click here.
North Macedonia Presidential and Parliamentary Elections (2024)
CANADEM deployed ten STOs and one LTO to the OSCE mission to observe both rounds of the North Macedonia Presidential and Parliamentary Elections on April 25th and May 15th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Final Report please click here.
Panama General Election (2024)
CANADEM deployed two STOs to the OAS mission to observe the Panama General on May 5th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Final Report please click here.
Mozambique General Election (2024)
CANADEM deployed two STOs and one LTO to the EU mission to observe the Mozambique General Election on October 9th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Preliminary Report please click here.
Georgia Parliamentary Election (2024
CANADEM deployed five STOs and two LTO to the OSCE mission to observe the Georgia Parliamentary Election on October 26th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Final Report please click here.
Moldova Presidential Election (2024)
CANADEM deployed five STOs and two LTO to the OSCE mission to observe the Moldova Presidential Election on October 20th, 2024. The observers participated in observing voting, counting and tabulation of results.
To read the Preliminary Report (2nd rd.) please click here.